
Sandun Perera

Anjana Illankoon

Software Defined Network (SDN) is a vastly evolving network architecture approach that physically separates the network control plane from the data plane. The interconnection devices take forwarding decisions solely based on a set of multi-criteria policy rules defined by external applications called controllers. Vehicular communication becomes a trending topic in the transportation technology. Most of the researchers pay attention to the development of vehicular communication using wireless Software Defined Network in order to overcome from issues such as lack of intelligence and scalability of the network. The recent developments in SDN have paved the way to control and manage wireless ad-hoc networks. Wireless ad-hoc networks are distributed networks that work without fixed infrastructure and in which each network node is willing to forward network packets for other network nodes which in return provides a reliable platform in vehicle-to-vehicle communication. The objective of this research is to review some benefits of wireless SDN and how SDN can be used to implement network on vehicle to vehicle communication.